Bela Roboz

Web Designer



Bela Roboz

Web Designer



UX designer

React developer


About Me

My 20 years of IT experience range from small websites to large corporate systems, including both front-end and back-end development. My passion is searching for innovative solutions that improve user experience and contribute to my clients' success. I continuously educate myself to keep up with technological advancements, leading the way in applying new trends and methodologies.

  • Residence . . . . . Hungary
  • Freelance . . . . . Available
  • Address . . . . . Pest, Budapest
  • Hobbies . . . . . running, swimming, cycling, bouldering
My Services, skills and technologies

Feel free to contact me with confidence. I am available and eager to collaborate on various projects. Whether you need (web) development, server management, or remote assistance, I am here to support you. Let’s work together to bring your ideas to life and achieve your goals.

React logo
Javascript logo
Web development
Web development

React, Javascript, Typescript, Strapi, AstroJS, NodeJS, PHP, NPM (JS packages), CSS, SCSS, HTML

Modern and mobile-ready websites that will help you reach all of your marketing.

Java logo
Java-Spring logo
Java development

Swing, JavaFX, Spring, Maven,
Cryptography: RSA, (a)symmetric encryption, message Digest
Java-2D; Tomcat application server; IAM: Keycloak

Servers pictogram
Server management

Linux, Ubuntu, Debian.
Security: firewalls, iptables, rate-limit, dynamic banning;
Server monitor:
Munin, Prometheus, Graphana
Backup and upgrade tools:
RSync, Ansible, RClone (cloud sync)
Programming: Perl, Bash, Python
E-mail servers: Exim, Gmail

Java logo
Java-Spring logo
Database management

Mysql, MariaDB, Hsqldb, SQLite, PhpMyAdmin, server dump, on-line archiving

Kubernetes logo
DevOps pictogram
Cloud, DevOps, Virtualization

Virtualization-containerization: Docker, LXC, Xen
On-premise or cloud based:
Kubernetes, GlusterFS
CI/CD: Github, Gitlab, Jenkins

Wordpress logo
Strapi logo
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Anydesk logo
Remote connection and assistance
Clients, partners and suppliers
Works & projects
Real estate brokerage system
Java Tomcat & Apache servers, PHP code
My Pirelli Digital Platform
website & admin system
Time tracking application
Java desktop app: XML, SWING & DragAndDrop
Media Kiosk for Pirelli
touchable kiosk (React and Spring server)
Beach Water Polo
digital presence (Joomla service)
Recursive Digital
Javascript, Python Django development, Digital Ocean servers
Agualina Hotel
Dominican republic
Rackforest VPS setup
Server management
Get in Touch
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